The Sunrise Dividends and Interest Fund provides access to a strategy aimed at generating high current income. The fund is suitable for investors who appreciate an attractive annual payout. As a result of the addition of bonds, the fund is expected to have lower fluctuations than with a pure equity fund.
Key features
Balanced risk and return profile
Historically value classes like bonds have lower volatility compared to equities and thus reduce the risk in mixed asset portfolios.
Easy and free access
The Sunrise Dividends and Interest fund is available via standard brokerage accounts and via the Sunrise app.
Investment strategy
The Sunrise Dividends and Interest Fund will become available for investment in Q4 2024.
The Sunrise Dividends and Interest Fund invests around 65% of its assets in global equities and around 35% in government bonds and other diversifying asset classes. The fund holds at least 70% of its assets in financial instruments denominated in euros.
While the annual distribution of Sunrise location funds is limited to the collection of the necessary taxes and therefore does not result in any automatic inflow among investors, the dividends from the companies are invested in new shares in the location fund and thus have a positive effect on the price of the funds, the Sunrise Dividends and Interest pays out all dividends and interest received as well as sales proceeds generated, so that an attractive annual payout to the share certificate even after taxes have been paid Owners are to be expected.
The fund's equity allocation is focused on investing in national and international companies with high and stable dividend payouts. As part of portfolio management, we ensure that Sunrise Dividends and Interest, like our local funds, also has broad sector diversification.
In addition to investing in shares of around 100 companies, the fund primarily invests in government bonds denominated in euros with the highest credit ratings, in particular Germany and Austria. In addition to generating interest income, the focus is on reducing fluctuations in the overall portfolio and thus the price of the fund when selecting bonds.
Fund manager
Thomas Niss is responsible for the fund's portfolio management.
Data, Documents and Performance
Further information on opportunities and risks as well as the fund's financial statements can be found on the management company's website IQAM Invest.
The fund's ISIN is AT0000A3EAW0.
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The product level costs (the costs which are charged on the fund level including the management fee and the fee for the mandatory service providers including the custodian and the respective fund's auditor as well as the transaction fees paid by the fund for buying and selling assets) are detailed in the general information documents available on the IQAM Invest website. In addition to the product level costs, which are reflected in the fund price and thus are not charged separately to your investment account, there are no costs for investing in Sunrise funds via the Sunrise app which provides free account management and does not charge any type of transaction fees. You are free to buy and sell as often as you want at no charge and there is no minimum holding period. Sunrise Securities also takes care of the taxes for individual investors residing in Austria and Germany investing in Sunrise funds via the Sunrise app. Only in case of special circumstances, like the transfer of accounts between parties, we may ask for a refund of our costs.
Sunrise Securities is an EU investment firm regulated by the Austrian financial market regulator, the FMA Finanzmarktaufsicht. IQAM Invest, a 100% subsidiary of Germany's DEKA Invest, is the administrator of the funds, responsible for generating all legally mandated documents. The portfolio management of the funds has been delegated to Sunrise Securities. Should Sunrise Securities become incapacitated to perform its duties, IQAM Invest would step in. The funds are domiciled in Austria. Under Austrian law the funds are legal entities which belong to the holders of its units. They do not become part of the assets of the company administrating the fund, or the company holding the financial instruments the funds invest in, nor the company making the investment decisions. In respect to the investment accounts administered by Sunrise Securities, the data is kept at data centers in Luxembourg regulated by the Luxembourg financial market authority, CSSF. The combined units are held in custodial accounts provided by Raiffeisenbank International AG (RBI) in Austria. This structure enables strong independent governance procedures which are provided by inhouse risk management and a number of outside service providers for compliance, internal audit, external audit and accounting. In respect to the risk involved with investing in the funds managed by Sunrise Securities, please refer to the fund level documentation provided on the website of IQAM Invest. As always we need to remind you that past returns are not a reliable indicator for future returns.